Eduardo Perez

Rivian Automotive Project: Vehicle Studio & Competitive Analysis

In this project, my team and I conducted a comprehensive analysis of Rivian’s vehicle configurator to improve user engagement and streamline the customization experience. The project involved a multi-phase approach, including heuristic evaluation, competitive analysis, and actionable design recommendations to optimize Rivian's configurator for future buyers.

Problem Statement

The Rivian configurator, while visually appealing, lacked key usability features that made it intuitive and accessible for all users. Based on user feedback, issues with saving progress, unclear communication, and a lack of immersive experiences emerged as critical problems. Our goal was to address these issues while maintaining Rivian's brand identity and aesthetic.

Heuristic Evaluation Using Nielsen’s 10 Usability Heuristics

We began with a thorough heuristic evaluation using Nielsen’s 10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design as the foundation for our research. These heuristics provided a critical baseline for identifying usability issues, ensuring that we evaluated the configurator with principles like consistency, user control, and error prevention in mind.

Rivian Homepage Navigation
Rivian Vehicle Configurator Overview
Rivian Vehicle Configurator Product Features
Rivian Vehicle Configurator Add Ons
Rivian Vehicle Configurator Check Out Process

The goal was to benchmark Rivian's current performance and propose new features that could enhance user experience.

Rivian Project Process Overview

Competitive Analysis: Rivian vs. Key Competitors

The competitive analysis was key to understanding how Rivian's configurator compares to its peers. We analyzed competitors like Tesla, GMC, Toyota, and Honda to draw insights into what features could enhance Rivian’s platform.

Rivian vs Tesla & GMC Comparison
Rivian vs Toyota & Honda Comparison

We found that while Tesla offered fewer customization options, it excelled in providing a streamlined user experience. GMC’s immersive 360-degree views and virtual tours created more engaging buying experiences, whereas Toyota and Honda excelled in accessibility and pricing transparency, offering intuitive navigation features that Rivian could improve upon.

User Testing & Feedback

After conducting card sorting sessions and user testing, we gathered insights on how users interacted with the configurator. We identified pain points and areas where users felt confident. These insights were crucial for driving improvements.

User Testing & Feedback

After conducting card sorting sessions and user testing, we gathered insights on how users interacted with the configurator. We identified pain points and areas where users felt confident. These insights were crucial for driving improvements.

User Feedback Inflow Buttons
User Feedback Navigation
Card Sorting Insights
Design of Exit and Save
Design of Reserve
Design of Buy

User Testing & Findings

We conducted thorough user testing, both qualitative and quantitative, to uncover areas of improvement in the Rivian configurator. The insights gathered shaped the design recommendations presented below.

Qualitative Testing Takeaways

Areas for Improvement (Qualitative)

Quantitative Testing Results

Visual Changes: Before and After

Based on the feedback from user testing, we implemented key design changes. Here’s a look at the configurator before and after the redesign, highlighting key improvements for user experience.

Current Design of Reserve

Current Design of Reserve: The original reservation system presented unclear messaging. Users were not informed that their configurations would not carry over, which led to confusion and dissatisfaction during the reservation process.

Redesign of Reserve

Redesign of Reserve: The redesigned system now provides clear messaging and offers users an estimated reservation time. Additionally, it presents similar available vehicle options, improving transparency and reducing frustration.

Current Design of Buy

Current Design of Buy: The original purchasing process lacked immediate feedback and did not integrate location-based availability. Users found the "buy" flow rigid and limited in terms of available vehicle transparency.

Redesign of Buy

Redesign of Buy: The redesigned buying interface now shows availability based on the user's location and streamlines the purchasing flow. This real-time feedback increases confidence and satisfaction during the buying process.

Recommendations & Next Steps

Our key recommendations for the next iteration of the Rivian configurator include:

Reflection & Takeaways

Working on Rivian's configurator provided deep insights into user behavior within the vehicle customization experience. It challenged me to balance aesthetics with functionality and to always prioritize user needs over flashy features. The qualitative and quantitative feedback we gathered was critical in refining the final recommendations. Through this project, I honed my skills in:

In addition to leading the UX research efforts, I was directly involved in conducting user feedback sessions, redesigning wireframes, and guiding the overall direction of the configurator improvements. This project not only improved Rivian’s configurator but also shaped my approach to UX design, emphasizing the value of continuous iteration and feedback. The lessons learned from this project will undoubtedly inform my future work as a designer, pushing me to always seek innovative solutions grounded in real user needs.

Final Thoughts & Future Opportunities

This project not only allowed me to refine my UX and design thinking skills but also deepened my understanding of how to balance user experience with business needs in high-stakes environments. Through my contributions in user research, wireframing, and leading feedback sessions, I’ve developed a holistic approach to solving complex design problems. I’m excited to apply these lessons in future projects, continuing to push boundaries in UX design for innovative and sustainable industries like electric vehicles.

As electric vehicles continue to evolve, so do user expectations. Future opportunities include integrating augmented reality (AR) for virtual showrooms or expanding immersive configurator features. Rivian has the potential to lead the market in delivering a seamless, visually captivating, and user-friendly experience. Moving forward, I look forward to applying these lessons to similar projects where user experience, data-driven decision-making, and thoughtful design intersect to drive positive outcomes.